Quantum Technology Could Open The Way to Economic Advantage For The UK, Academy Reports – Journal Important Web

At a minimum, the review recommends that the UK upgrades and improves access for industry to existing infrastructure as many of the current facilities are based in universities. This requirement is particularly relevant across a range of technology development stages that underpin most quantum technologies: design; nanofabrication prototyping; packaging, advanced packaging, and heterogeneous integration.

In addition, the Academy’s review recommends:

  • Better coordination and support to industry in navigating the UK’s fast-moving quantum landscape, including infrastructure.
  • Improving the UK’s advanced manufacturing capabilities, which would have benefits beyond the quantum sector.
  • Collaboration between industry, academia, and government to set a clearer direction for quantum technologies, and thereby shore-up strategic decision-making in public and private sectors.
  • Progress on enablers such as skills provision and the standards and regulation needed for responsible, ethical, and sustainable innovation.

Dr Dame Frances Saunders DBE CB FREng, who chaired the working group that oversaw the review, says:  “The UK has been a frontrunner in quantum technology development to date, but other nations are investing heavily in their own quantum national strategies and infrastructure. We face a choice now about whether and how we want to continue to lead in the exploitation and commercialisation of quantum technologies.

“The infrastructure needed is often beyond the scale of academic facilities or reach of SMEs so government support is crucial to de-risk the technology development process and to facilitate its adoption and commercialisation, as well as to attract investment from the private sector. Without government intervention at this stage, there is a high risk of losing ground to countries making significant investments of their own in quantum.”

Sir Peter Knight FRS, Chair of the UK National Quantum Technology Programme Strategic Advisory Board, says:  “The UK has pioneered a world-leading quantum technology programme for the past 10 years and this has evolved to an ambitious future strategy to generate economic and societal value from this great science base. To realise this, we will need a coordinated plan for investment in infrastructure, in facilities, interdependencies and supply chains to allow scale-up of this emerging technology. This Royal Academy of Engineering report, drawing on a wide range of industry and research leaders, identifies key actions to strengthen the UK programme. I commend this thoughtful report which will aid our planning to deliver on our quantum strategy.”

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Quantum Technology Could Open The Way to Economic Advantage For The UK, Academy Reports #Quantum #Technology #Open #Economic #Advantage #Academy #Reports

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Source Link: https://thequantuminsider.com/2024/06/21/quantum-technology-could-open-the-way-to-economic-advantage-for-the-uk-academy-reports/

At a minimum, the review recommends that the UK upgrades and improves access fo…

At a minimum, the analyse recommends that the UK upgrades and improves admittance for business to existing stock as some of the underway facilities are supported in universities. This responsibility is specially germane crossways a arrange of profession utilization stages that match most quantum technologies: design; nanofabrication prototyping; packaging, modern packaging, and miscellaneous integration. In …

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